Just Released!
We are thrilled to announce the publication of our 2024 Annual Report on Commercial Sexual Exploitation. The theme of our Report this year is Ten Years of Impact. Since our inception in 2014, the CSE Institute has evolved from an idea that fit on one piece of paper to an internationally recognized leader in the anti-trafficking community.
Click the button below to read this year’s report and learn more about what we have accomplished over the last decade.
View here! »New Resource Available
The CSE Institute has created A Legal Guide for Vacatur Motions in Pennsylvania. This Guide provides an explanation for important concepts of Pennsylvania’s vacatur law and the steps to prepare a vacatur motion. The Guide also includes best practices for employing a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach to client interviewing and representation along with other practice tips to consider at each step in the vacatur process.
Download Guide »Recent News
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Trauma-Informed Lawyering
Our Mission
We educate and provide technical assistance to those who respond to commercial sexual exploitation in Pennsylvania, the United States and beyond, promoting victim-centered, trauma-informed multidisciplinary collaboration.
We equip policy-makers and the broader community with the skills and knowledge they need to improve the legal system’s response to commercial sexual exploitation, in order to support survivors and hold perpetrators accountable.
We center the experiences of survivors to inform the development of policies and best practices to combat commercial sexual exploitation and are committed to engaging the survivor community in shaping our positions.
We aim to create a community in which every human being is treated with dignity, compassion, and respect inspired by Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law’s Catholic and Augustinian mission.